I was once called the Walmart of VAs because AEasley Virtual Solutions is like a one-stop shop. I’m able to help with more than just one or two tasks. But do I want to be known as the Walmart of VAs though?
Niching is a huge topic of discussion in the VA world. When I first started out, this term was thrown out so much. I think I had only heard that term a handful of times prior to starting my VA business. Now, I feel like I hear it daily. I knew I had to pick the right niche for me as I was still working my full-time job so the types of tasks I could work had to be flexible. But how do I know what tasks I can do if I’m just getting started?
I met my first ideal client about 9 months after starting my business and I feel like it all just clicked! She was great to work with and was willing to give me a chance and I’m forever grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her. I was able to see what type of tasks I liked and how I could help my ideal clients. I read this on an Instagram post the other day and it was 100% on point for me:
You won't know what you like to do until you do it and you won't know your
ideal client until you work with them. You won't know you're ideal service until you've been asked to provide it.
This resonates with me because I needed to experience the types of tasks I would be asked to perform before I can say who my ideal client is or what my ideal service looks like. My thinking is to try it all. (Well most of it, lol. Some things I know I don't want to do.)
Don’t get me wrong, I can’t do every task needed but I will do my best to help my clients with whatever I can instead of turning them away because the task is not one of my current services. I enjoy learning new things and if my client is willing to allow me to learn them and still be able to help them, why would I turn them away if it’s something I can help them with?
Even though word on the street is to niche your services to attract your ideal clients, I still believe you need to perform different tasks to see which ones you like and want to offer in your business. The last thing you want in your business is to offer services you don’t like to do. That can lead to being unhappy in your business and one of the main reasons I started my business was to do things that I like to do. Finding your niche over time is ok. Everything doesn’t have to happen on day one.
So the answer to my prior question is yes, I do want to be known as the Walmart of VAs. It’s not a knock on my business instead, it’s a compliment. My mission is to help my clients implement their vision so if that means learning a new tech tool to help or doing a task outside of my listed services, that’s what I’ll do.